Management Options for Council Facilities

Council has an obligation to apply a strategic approach to the long-term provision of community and recreation facilities and the use of public land across the city. Under Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council has delegated your group authority to undertake the care, control, and operation of these facilities.

Council has adopted two types of management structure to help volunteers manage community and recreation facilities:

Please be aware of your groups’ management structure when using this manual.

Community Operating Committees
Where a facility has shared management amongst several users including incorporated user groups and/or community representatives
Incorporated Clubs and Associations
Where a facility has majority use by one club/association
NB: The club/association must have a name identifying a relationship with Lake Macquarie

This Operating Manual provides procedures, guidelines, and other information to assist each of these management structures to manage community and recreation facilities, and public land. There are a number of differences in the way groups manage facilities depending on their management structure.


Page Last Updated: 29 May 2014