
Place leaves, grass clippings and garden waste in a compost or green waste bin to help prevent storm water drains from becoming blocked.

Storm water is the water that runs off areas such as pavements, roads, roofs, gardens, parks and car parks during rainfall. The drainage system is designed to convey storm water runoff into local waterways. Unfortunately as storm water flows, it can collect pollutants such as oils, pathogens (bacteria), litter, nutrients, metals, and sediments. This polluted water washes into our storm water systems, ultimately discharging into Lake Macquarie or local beaches.

Simple ways to reduce storm water pollutants

There are many actions that volunteers can take at community facilities to reduce the level of pollutants entering the drainage system:

  • Sweep rather than hose concrete areas.
  • Place leaves, grass clippings and garden waste in a compost or green waste bin.
  • Develop a litter management plan to ensure that all litter is removed from the facility or recreational area following events.
  • Clean outdoor equipment on grassed areas and use the minimum amount of detergent.
  • Only use fertilisers that are suitable for application near watercourses.  Do not use if windy or rainy conditions are expected.  Consider natural alternatives.
  • Do not dispose of waste oils, paints or chemicals down drains.
  • Place stockpiles (soil / sand) away from drainage lines or waterways.  Where possible cover the piles or use erosion and sediment controls such as silt fencing or hay bales.
  • Grass or re-plant areas of disturbed soil.
  • Educate local users of the facilities to remove dog droppings.

Page Last Updated: 30 Jan 2015