Capital Works and Special Projects

The Building Code of Australia now has increased requirements for the provision of access for people with a disability.

Consider using the Green Star framework for assessing the environmental impact that is a direct consequence of a projects site selection, design, construction, and maintenance.

Requirements for new capital works

Council must approve all proposed capital works in advance, whether or not financial assistance is required from Council.  Please contact your Council Management Officer at the project’s inception to discuss.

After this initial contact, the Club/Association (grant applicant) must seek written approval from Council to apply for any grant program concerning new capital works.  A submission should be provided to Council, preferably on Club/Association letterhead outlining the scope of the project, cost implications and the level of support (if any) requested from Council.

## Any requests for Council to provide information for Grant applications including approval must be provided at least 12 weeks prior to closing date of Grant to allow time to provide the information, failure to do so may result in missing Grant deadlines.

Projects proposed by sporting/community groups must be in line with Council and/or facility strategic plans.  Depending on the scope of the project, Council may request that a detailed written proposal be submitted outlining a description of the project and proposed location, estimated costs, scaled plans, justification for the proposed works, future maintenance requirements, required approvals and other elements relevant to the project.

Risk Assessment

When undertaking any work or activity that is outside the scope of your general responsibilities, you will be required to complete a Risk Assessment before starting.

Refer to Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control for guidance on how to assess risks and to complete a risk assessment.

Projects submitted in response to a call for funding

All projects submitted in response to a call for funding applications for capital works projects should:

  • Be discussed with your Council Liaison Officer prior to application being lodged for grant funds;
  • Meet all the requirements of the Building Code of Australia and any referenced standards in relation to design and construction; and
  • Have adequate funds allocated to the project to cover all works through contributions from the Community Operating Committee/Club and the grant requested, unless you have written confirmation from a Council Officer that Council has approved funds for the project.

Building Code of Australia

Compliance with the Building Code of Australia is required for all capital works projects whether approved under the Infrastructure State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) or through a Development Application process.  It should be noted that the Building Code of Australia now has increased requirements for the provision of access for people with a disability.

Environmental footprint and lower operating costs

More than 70% of the environmental footprint of our buildings and other infrastructure is typically set when they are designed.  You can help ensure good environmental performance and therefore lower operating costs by considering the following factors when developing a proposal for Council's approval:

  • Consider using the Green Star framework for assessing the environmental impact that is a direct consequence of a projects site selection, design, construction, and maintenance.  The nine categories included within all Green Star rating tools are:

    1. Management: Adopt sustainable development principles from project conception through design, construction, commissioning, tuning and operation
    2. Indoor Environment Quality: Occupant wellbeing and performance by addressing the HVAC (Heating Ventilation And Cooling) system, lighting, occupant comfort and pollutants
    3. Energy: Reduce greenhouse emissions from building operation by addressing energy demand reduction, use efficiency, and generation from alternative sources
    4. Transport: Reduce demand for individual cars by both discouraging car commuting and encouraging use of alternative transportation
    5. Water: Reduce potable water through efficient design of building services, water reuse and substitution with other water sources (such as use rainwater or storm water for toilet flushing and garden watering)
    6. Materials: Reduce resource consumption through material selection, reuse initiatives and efficient management practices
    7. Land Use & Ecology: Address the project's impact on its immediate ecosystem, by discouraging degradation (e.g. clearing of existing trees) and encouraging restoration of flora and fauna.
    8. Emissions: Address point source pollution from buildings & building services to the atmosphere, watercourse, and local ecosystems
    9. Innovation: Reward marketplace innovation that fosters the industry's transition to sustainable building
  • Many heads are better than few - involve your stakeholders early to get their ideas and ensure that the core functions of the project are clearly established.
  • Request a copy of the relevant sustainability targets and actions in Council's Operational Plan and Environmental Sustainability Action Plan so that you can align your project with these.
  • Include your environmental performance objectives and criteria in the design brief attached with the project request to Council.

Work for the Dole

For a club/group/organisation to engage a Work For The Dole (WFTD) provider, Council consent as land owner is required. In order to progress, Council will require a written proposal preferably on Club/Association or organisation letterhead with supporting information that identifies the location and type of activities proposed, along with a nominated supervisor to oversee the WFTD placements accordingly. Additionally for Council to approve a club to engage a WFTD provider, Council will require a copy of;

  • Details of the WFTD provider and relevant contact person including a copy of the host agreement
  • The clubs Public liability insurance to the value of $20 million
  • Risk assessment that identifies all tasks to be performed

The above information is required as the club hosting the WFTD placements assumes responsibility as supervisor for the agreed activities.

Page Last Updated: 17 May 2024