Maintenance Responsibilities
For your own safety wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment when operating equipment or undertaking outdoor activites.
Ensure kitchens and amenities are cleaned to maintain health standards.
For all maintenance, structural, and/or safety issues telephone Council’s Customer Service Centre on 4921 0333.
You have delegated authority to care for, control, and operate a Council facility. You must ensure all community volunteers have signed on and have appropriate protective clothing and tools to undertake any activity.
Maintaining your facility
To maintain the facility and reduce potential hazards, you must:
- Ensure kitchens and amenities are cleaned to maintain health standards, this includes control of cockroaches, spiders,etc. off the shelf products should be used as they include directions and handling procedures. These can be purchased from the facility account.
- Inspect sporting fields regularly to ensure they are safe for the activities carried out at the facility;
- For sporting facilities conduct regular inspections to ensure all floodlights are in operation. It may be beneficial to liaise with other sporting facilities nearby to arrange for an elevated work platform to replace lights at both facilities to provide a cost saving. In the event there is an electrical fault please contact Council to request an electrician;
- Ensure the facility is left clean and tidy after use;
- Ensure fire escapes and extinguishers are regularly checked;
- Remove graffiti if possible or report it and other vandalism to Council if structural damage has occurred;
- Ensure current Work Health & Safety Standards are known and adhered to at the facility;
- Keep car parks, pathways and drains clear of debris;
- Arrange to have light globes, fuses and tap washers replaced as required. Please be aware Council is responsible for all electrical faults at a facility;
- At Community Halls, Council arranges for the cleaning of roof gutters on an annual basis, with those groups invoiced for payment from facility funds. Recreation facilities may arrange with Council to have roof gutters cleared of leaves as required;
- Undertake low risk cleaning of the facility exterior (cobwebs,dust etc)
- Keep all storage areas tidy with no obstacles in front of cupboards, doorways and exit/access points;
- Prepare and implement procedures for the safe operation of your activities;
- Report all other maintenance requests to Council by telephone or email, for example painting, electrical work, plumbing, top dressing, fertilising etc;
- In the case of Community Garden activities, top dressing, fertilising, weed control, etc. are deemed part of management responsibilities and therefore are not covered under maintenance requests to Council;
- Store chemicals in a safe and secure area with appropriate safety information to minimise the likelihood of pollution or misuse occurring and that MSDS are available (where required);
Requests for Maintenance
During office-hours (Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm) telephone Council’s Customer Service Centre on 4921 0333 for all maintenance, structural, and/or safety issues with a clear indication of the risk. The Customer Service Officer will issue you with a Service Request Number, please record this number for future reference if you are required to follow up your call.
For after hour’s emergency maintenance and structural requests (weekends or evenings) please phone Council’s Customer Service Centre on 4921 0333 and follow the prompts.
Inspecting outdoor facilities
When carrying out inspections or undertaking outdoor activities at a Council facility you should protect yourself by wearing and using:
- A wide-brimmed hat
- A long sleeved shirt
- Long trousers; if shorts must be worn they should be to the knee
- A broad spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30+ applied 20 minutes before working outdoors
- Enclosed shoes, such as joggers or working boots
- Cut resistant gloves
Also ensure that you always:
- Ensure adequate garbage bins are located around the perimeter of the facility for user groups and spectators
- Remove any litter or rubbish that presents a hazard or may pollute waterways
Personal Protective Clothing (PPE)
Council understands the majority of volunteers will possess their own protective clothing and therefore does not provide any specific Personal Protective Clothing (PPE). Council does ask that you ensure you are always wearing protective clothing specific to the task you are undertaking, for your own protection.
If you or your facility do not possess appropriate protective clothing or PPE please contact us and we will provide you with the appropriate protective clothing and PPE that you require. An invoice will be forwarded to the Community Operating Committee and/or Incorporated Club for the cost of this clothing/equipment (i.e.: facility funds are to be used).
For more information about the Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing to wear when undertaking activities at a Council facility please see Personal Protective Equipment & Clothing.
Page Last Updated: 17 Mar 2021