Applying Top Dressing and Fertiliser to Playing Fields

Applying top dressing to playing fields

You must obtain Council’s approval to apply top dressing at a Council facility. To ensure a quality top dressing is used please first contact us for details of a supplier and basic instructions.

If Council approves the request, you must ensure that:

  • Prior to commencing work, check the weather forecast and if rain is predicted delay the activity until a clear day to prevent run off entering drains and watercourses
  • Wear protective clothing and any other protective equipment required
  • Avoid undertaking top dressing activities in the middle of the day during summer months
  • Conduct a visual inspection to ensure site is safe and clear or debris before commencing
  • Take regular rest breaks and rotate jobs

For further technical advice on how to apply top dressing at a playing field please contact us.

Applying fertiliser to playing fields

You must obtain Council’s approval to apply fertilisers at a Council facility.

If Council approves the request to use fertilsers, you must ensure that:

  • You wear protective clothing and any other protective equipment required
  • You avoid undertaking fertilising activities in the middle of the day during summer months
  • Fertiliser is purchased from Council and you apply the product in accordance with the MSDS provided
  • Prior to commencing work check the weather forecast and if rain is predicted delay the activity until a clear day to prevent run off entering drains and watercourses
  • Conduct a visual inspection to ensure site is safe and clear or debris before commencing
  • Take regular rest breaks and rotate jobs

For further technical advice on how to apply fertiliser to a playing field please contact Council.

Please note: Council does not allow volunteers with delegated authority to use pesticides at any Council facility.              

Page Last Updated: 21 May 2019