Movable/Training Soccer Goals

As of 1 March 2005, movable soccer goals that weigh over 28kgs, and are constructed with at least two upright posts, a crossbar and support bars must comply with the safety standard prescribed in the Fair Trading (General) Amendment (Soccer Goals) Regulation 2005 (PDF).

Moveable soccer goal safety requirements

The movable soccer goal should also have all exposed corners and edges rounded with a radius of no less than 3mm. The following warning should also be placed along the crossbar with the upper case letters being at least 25mm high, and the lower case letters at least 12.5mm high.

"WARNING - ALWAYS ANCHOR GOAL - NEVER CLIMB OR HANG ON CROSSBAR. Unanchored goals can tip over causing serious injury or death."

Note: This regulation does not apply to indoor soccer goals or soccer goals supported by a sleeve set in the ground.

When goals not in use

When goals are not in use, they must be locked into a position where they can not cause injury to other field users or obstruct Council staff from undertaking maintenance such as mowing.

Page Last Updated: 29 May 2014