Fire Protection

Where fire extinguishers are required at community facilities to meet fire safety standards, Council provides those facilities with fire and safety equipment and arranges frequent inspections and servicing of all fire equipment. 

All fire safety equipment has instructions on its use in the event of a fire.  You must become familiar with this information should you have to use the equipment.

Immediately advise Council’s Customer Service Centre if your group discovers that fire prevention equipment at a community hall is damaged or stolen or needs repair or replacement.

If a hirer irresponsibly uses fire and safety equipment provided by Council, your group is to deduct the cost of repair or replacement of the equipment from the hirer’s bond money.

At a recreation facility where Council is not required to provide fire prevention and safety equipment, a user group can provide hand-held fire prevention equipment, such as a fire blanket or hand held extinguisher and the user group is then responsible for arranging inspections and the servicing of their own equipment.

If curtains and/or blinds are required, the material must meet fire retardant standards.

Page Last Updated: 29 May 2014